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About Us

Let’s go back a little bit further, both passionate about Patisserie (especially about eating).

For myself ( Florence) Pastry has always being a way to share time, focus and finesse it took to get to the final touch through my cake. To me it begin in my home town in Corsica, L’Île de Beauté, with my grand mother baking & selling cakes at 0.50c at 8 years old ( don’t tell the police ). 

I promised my grand-mother that if I would ever opened a pastry shop it would be for her, I let you guess her name.

Years latter at school I have been ask to choose a profession, and it got pretty scary, but my sister ask me ‘‘what do you like to do in your spare time’’ I didn’t believe the answer was so easy. Baking !

And so it begins, I joined the Lycée Hôtelier Bonneveine in Marseille catering school in south of France. During my internships I learned how to work the same product in different ways, it’s not only about measurement but also consistency, time, temperature and so much more . All of the internships were feeding me of knowledge & recipe .

To discover more about other culture I left for London I became an aupaire in a wonderful English family that’s were I grow my roots, and once I was able to make a sentence in English, I start working in French luxury Patisserie, where I learn a lot !

For myself ( Hippolyte) my passion for Patisserie really started when I was 15. I used to work in a pastry shop during my holidays, to get extra savings.

After my study in civil engineering, I realized that, what I really wanted to do was Patisserie. So I start catering school in Paris, the more I learned about pastry, the more I was amazed by how much you can give about your personality, jumped into your own creativity, and developed yourself.

After two year studding the basics in a pastry shop in Paris where I learned to wake up at 4 am to make what I loved, my passion only grows bigger.

I moved for the countryside near Lyon. I had an opportunity to work in an amazing Patisserie shop own by 3 brothers , everything was homemade, from the fruits in syrup to the chocolate (from the bean).

I learned every things I can there for 3 years. I wanted to travel and I had the opportunity to move in London , I find a job in a French patisserie where I could developed my skills .

And our path crossed tatatartetatin !!! In London, in a busy French Patisserie, where we were both working and enjoying ourselves making beautiful cakes and make it discover to the British public. 

During one of our holiday together in Edinburgh, we fell in love of the city and decided to move here, in the country of the castle, ghost and the nice weather 😚. We wanted to bring a bit of our native France in this amazing country .